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Spirits & Liquors

Member's Mark Golden Margarita

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  • Please drink responsibly :-)
  • Each gram of alcohol has 7 calories. Compare that to 4 calories per gram of carb, or 9 calories per gram of fat.

    That means a spirt has about 97 calories per shot, a glass of wine has about 123 calories per glass and a beer has about 154 calories per glass!
  • Alcoholic beverage producers are not mandated to label their products with nutrition information.

    We bring you estimated nutrition information based on the following:
    Standard serving sizes:
    * beer - 12 fluid ounces
    * wine - 5 fluid ounces
    * spirits - 1.5 fluid ounces
  • What's the difference between the two and why does it even matter? While colloquially these terms are used interchangeably, technically there's a difference that might interest you (and your diet).

    Both liquor and liqueur have more than 20% alcohol per volume. They're both distilled and bottled. They're both enjoyed widely. But when you go for a liqueur, you might be getting more than you bargained for. Here's why:

    Liqueurs can have added sugar, added color and added flavors. Liquor, on the other hand, almost always does not. To avoid added sugar, colors or flavors, opt for classics like gin, rum, tequila, vodka and whiskey. If you want a sweet liquor, try naturally sweet brandy and avoid "American" style schnapps. Some examples of liqueurs are Midori, Grand Marnier, Frangelico.

    And remember that a standard serving size is 1.5 ounces. Your bartender is not "hooking you up" for anything more than overconsumption if you receive more.

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