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Finest Nutrition Calcium Plus Vitamin D3, Vitamin Gummies

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  • At Fooducate we don't grade supplements. Consuming a diet with a variety of foods should give you the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs.

    If you think you need to supplement your diet, it is best to see a registered dietitian or your healthcare professional.
  • If you are taking vitamins, "gummies" are more convenient and tasty than pills. But watch out - they may contain more than just vitamins. In fact, many gummy vitamin's first ingredient is some kind of sweetener.

    Here's a list of additives to watch out for in gummy vitamins.

    Top 10 Additives to Gummy Vitamins

    1) Artificial colors
    2) Artificial flavors
    3) Artificial sweeteners
    4) Natural sweeteners
    5) Soy lecithin
    6) Gelatin
    7) Sugar alcohols
    8) Fractionated oils
    9) Wheat (as starch, etc.)
    10) Tree nuts (usually as coconut oil)

    When choosing a vitamin, take convenience, cost and effectiveness into account. While that cute gummy vitamin bottle may have 120 bears, keep in mind that the serving may be 2 a day. You can find gummy vitamins without artificial flavors and artificial colors, just read the label. And no matter which gummy vitamin you choose, be sure to brush and floss afterwards.
  • Calcium is an important element in any diet and it could be you're not getting enough. But, according to experts, taking a supplement is not the best way to go. Studies claim that calcium supplements range from doing nothing at best, to causing an increase in bone breakage and heart attacks. Consult with your doctor before taking any supplement and evaluate your real calcium needs.

    Aside from milk products, Here are 3 non-dairy ways to make sure you keep your calcium levels up:

    1. Leafy greens: While many of us think of milk as the first choice for calcium, leafy greens are also calcium rich.

    2. Canned fish: High in protein, high in calcium, low in saturated fat. sardines are a viable alternative to dairy.

    3. Tofu: A great choice for vegans and vegetarians, tofu can be a great source of calcium.

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