Diet Tip

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Updated: Aug 04 2016
Published: Jul 10 2009

The Worst Food in America is...

Men's Health Magazine, milking the success of its "Eat this, not that" line of books, provides a grotesquely entertaining list of the 30 worst foods in the country. Most, as you can imagine, are from fast food establishments.

For each food, there's also a suggested alternative that is more healthful, but, as Albert Einstein once said, everything is relative. For example:

BadLess Bad
Bob Evans Stacked
& Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes

1,543 calories
77 g fat (26 g saturated, 9 g trans)
2,259 mg sodium
109 g sugars
3 Scrambled Egg lites with
2 slices of bacon and fresh fruit

502 calories
19 g fat (7 g saturated)
832 mg sodium
21 g carbohydrates
19 g sugars

Not exactly a perfectly healthy alternative. But sure beats 9 grams of trans fat and a days worth of sodium in one dish.

The list counts down from #30 to the #1 worst food in the US. Itching to die which food came in at #1? We've saved you 29 clicks.

OK, Actually it's the worst MEAL:

Carl’s Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger with Medium Natural Cut Fries and 32-oz Coke

2,618 calories
144 g fat (51.5 g saturated)
2,892 mg sodium

Of all the gut-growing, heart-threatening, life-shortening burgers in the drive-thru world, there is none whose damage to your general well-being is as potentially catastrophic as this. A bit of perspective is in order: This meal has the caloric equivalent of 13 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed doughnuts, the saturated fat equivalent of 52 strips of bacon, and the salt equivalent of 7 ½ large orders of McDonald’s French fries!

#News #Burger #Calories #Coke #EatThisNotThat #FastFood #Fries #SaturatedFat #Sodium #TransFat
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  • User avatar
    Jul 15 2009

    If you get rid of the fries, and the bunand make the drink diet, it isn't unhealthy.